To the Groom Genie family,
I wanted to reach out during this difficult time to let you all know that we're thinking of you and sending only positive vibes during these trying times. We are trying to navigate this unprecedented situation both professionally and personally.
As many of you know, the Groom Genie was created as an extension to our human Knot Genie Detangling brush line. We had so many customers tell us that our human brush worked so well on their dogs, cats, rabbits and horses, that we ended up creating this brush for those furry family members of ours.
Our story started when the Knot Genie was launched when I was unable to find a brush that worked on my twins' crazy, curly, thick hair when they were younger. Never in my wildest dreams did I think this dream would become my reality for the last ten plus years. I have lived and breathed this company for that entire time. My twins are now 19 years old and are unexpectedly home from their freshman year of college because of the health crisis. Having them home, along with my youngest daughter, has made me stop and reflect on what is most important and where I would like to focus my time and energy.
At this reflective time in my life, I realized that like my girls, the company has grown and changed and transformed – trying to adapt to increased saturation and competition in the market. Some of those efforts have been successful and some were not as successful as we had hoped. I have decided that effective April 1, 2020, I will be closing the Knot Genie and Groom Genie company. I am grateful beyond words to all of you who have been on this journey with me. I am eternally grateful for all of you and wish you nothing but happiness and health, laughter and love especially as we navigate these times.
All my love,